

It is an extremely popular and, above all, well-liked domestic vegetable. Its orange root is impossible to confuse with any other vegetable. However, few people know that carrots come in many colour varieties from white, yellow, orange to dark purple. All of them smell and taste like the basic version, which is orange! 

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Carrots can be served in a variety of ways from raw, to grated, fried, boiled, frozen, pickled, marinated, as juice or even as the main ingredient in a cake. It is interesting to note that carrots are closely related to celeriac.

Carrots are extremely rich in beta carotene, that is, provitamin A. It is worth remembering that serving carrots with a bit of olive oil or other fat increases the availability of this vitamin. The vegetable is also a source of vitamin C, B group vitamins and vitamin E.


Orange carrots

Carrots are available in most stores in their basic colour, orange. Varieties are slightly different in size, root length or skin appearance. These are not easy to distinguish for the consumer. Therefore, as you choose your carrots, take into account their size, the intensity of their colour and that they are not darkened or wilted. This proves improper storage and loss of nutrients.

Purple carrot

Root shape and size are similar to orange varieties, although the purple ones are often slightly smaller. The purple colour is preserved not only on the outside but also on the cross-section of the root. These varieties can be eaten raw as well as cooked. They contain colouring compounds that are beneficial to your health.

White carrot

They are extremely rarely available commercially and when they do appear, they are often confused with parsley root. Like the other varieties, they can be eaten raw as well as cooked.


Nutritional value per 100g of carrot:

27 kcal


1 g


0.2 g


8.7 g


5.9 mg


6150 µg


For healthy eyes

Carotenoids, found in carrots in high amounts, can improve eye health. This is particularly important for older people who are more prone to vision problems. Regular consumption of carrots can delay the progression of visual degeneration.

For a shapely figure

Carrots are low in calories, which is why they are such a good choice for anyone trying to lose weight. However, opt for dishes with raw carrots or a cooked version without additives - any addition of sauces or frying makes the dish more calorie-dense.

Good for the cardiovascular system

The antioxidants contained in carrots have an anti-inflammatory effect. This is important in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. These substances are mainly carotenoids, which can protect the heart as well as prevent the development of certain types of cancer.


Poland is the third producer of carrot in the European Union. Carrot is a plant of a moderate climate, thanks to which its cultivation is possible throughout Poland. Most crops are grown in the following provinces: Kujawsko-Pomorskie, Wielkopolskie, Mazowieckie, Lubelskie, Wielkopolskie and Małopolskie.

Production map

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