

Not everyone knows that, from the botanical perspective, the courgette is a fruit, and not just any fruit - a berry! It comes in dozens of varieties. Depending on the variety, its fruit differs in shape, colour and slightly in consistency of the flesh. Interestingly, courgettes have large edible flowers, which are best served fried in pancake batter.

Moc polskich warzyw - zdrowe warzywa

Courgettes are a very popular warm-season vegetable grown in many gardens. The ease of cultivation, attractive appearance and versatility of use promote courgettes year after year. You can use it to prepare hearty one-pot meals, grilled dishes, marinades, but also dietetic pastes, chutneys and soups. Its sweet taste and delicate texture mean that courgette can be eaten raw without any problems. 

Its delicate taste is appreciated by parents who like to prepare courgette dishes for their children. One such children's favourite courgette dish is the delicious crispy pasties.


Oblong dark green varieties with smooth glossy skin

These are the most popular and best-selling courgettes. Their soft skin means they can be processed without peeling. It is perfect for barbecues and hot dishes.

Oblong varieties with smooth yellow skin

They do not differ in taste or texture from the dark green ones. Their bright colour will enliven the composition of the dish. They will be perfect for multi-coloured vegetable skewers.

Round varieties

These, mostly green and sometimes with a spotted skin, look like large apples. This version of courgettes is perfect for stuffing. Easy to scoop and small in size, it will become a filling dinner for the whole family.


Nutritional value per 100g of courgette:

17 kcal


1.21 g


0.32 g


3.11 g


0.45 mg


16 mg


Beneficial for the digestive tract

Courgettes are easily digestible vegetables. Cooked in the form of a puree or a light soup with vegetable stock, they will be an ideal dish for people recovering from illnesses and with digestive problems. Courgette puree can be easily given to several months old children whenever expanding their diet.

For a shapely figure

Courgette is mostly composed of water and its flesh provides almost no fat. This makes it a very low-calorie product, which makes it easier to control body weight. The fibre contained in it increases the feeling of satiety.

For healthy eyes

The beta carotene contained in the courgette skin is a forerunner of vitamin A, crucial for proper vision. In order to improve the bioavailability of this vitamin, you may want to add healthy vegetable fats to courgette dishes.

Beneficial for the cardiovascular system

The potassium and fibre contained in courgettes have a blood pressure lowering effect. Courgette also has properties that lower the level of bad LDL cholesterol and therefore has an anti-atherosclerotic effect.


Courgette in Poland is grown in the south of Mazovia, a region characterised by a specific microclimate, which is ideal for thermophilic vegetables. This region includes the municipalities of Przytyk, Potworów, Klwów, Radzanów, Stara Błotnica, Rusinów and Wyśmierzyce.

Production map

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