
Parsley is a root vegetable related to celeriac and carrot. It is used both in cooking and in the pharmaceutical industry due to its content of therapeutic essential oils.

Moc polskich warzyw - zdrowe warzywa

Both the root and the parsley leaves are used in cooking. There are even separate varieties cultivated for the well-developed root as well as those grown for their attractive leaf form. It is interesting to note that parsley leaves are extremely rich in vitamin C, surpassing both lemon and bell pepper! Unfortunately, due to the very small portions of parsley added to meals, it is not very relevant in supplementing deficiencies of this vitamin.

Moc polskich warzyw - zdrowe warzywa

Korzeń pietruszki

Parsley root does not vary significantly across varieties. Only a trained eye can recognise the nuances between them. As you choose parsley root, pay attention to its size, white or slightly creamy colour, the intensity of its smell and whether it is dried out. Current storage methods ensure excellent quality stock all year round. In the old days, root vegetables were stored in cellars or mounded, which had a negative effect on their appearance, taste and nutrient content.

Pietruszka naciowa

When choosing varieties of parsley, you may want to pay attention to the colouring of the leaves and their firmness, which indicates freshness. The leafy varieties often have attractive, crinkled leaves that are suitable for garnishing dishes. During the spring and summer season, it is a good idea to prepare a frozen meal of young parsley. In the autumn and winter months, they will be an addition to soups, sauces, cocktails or dinner dishes.


Nutritional values per 100g of parsley root:

55 kcal


2.3 g


0.6 g


12.3 g


41 mg


48.5 mg


For good digestion

Parsley root has slightly diastolic properties, thus preventing abdominal pain caused by the presence of gas in the intestines. In addition, it stimulates the secretion of saliva and digestive juices, which facilitates the passage of digestive contents and the absorption of nutrients.

For healthy kidneys

Both parsley root and parsley leaves have a diuretic effect. In this way, they increase renal filtration. Pharmacies offer preparations made from this vegetable for people suffering from urinary tract infections or kidney stones.

Against inflammation

Parsley has bacteriostatic as well as anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of chlorophyll-rich foods helps the body fight free radicals and counteracts escalating inflammation.


Parsley is one of the country's primary seasoning vegetables. Both the root and the leaves are edible. Parsley crops can be found, among others, in the vegetable basin in the Małopolska region and in the Lubelskie voivodship.

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